One of the jewels of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is the strong understanding of the connection between mind, body and spirit. Most syndromes in Chinese Medicine mention the possible mental manifestations that will most likely occur with the pattern. This might be single emotion or more complex behavior pattern. Sometimes issues of the mind may be rooted in physical problems or vice versa – for example depression may be caused by poor digestion and mental stress may cause poor digestion.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can be very effective in dealing with issues like depression, anxiety and insomnia. More generally it is also very effective at lowering stress levels.
During the initial consultation we will review your overall health history and your western diagnosis (if you have one). Based on the intake information, I will present you with various treatment options. Treatment will probably include acupuncture and lifestyle modifications (e.g. exercise , meditation etc). Generally weekly acupuncture treatments will be recommended. In some cases herbal medicine may also be indicated.
Inner Path Acupuncture in Boulder, Colorado is the Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic of acupuncturist Megan McCanna, L.Ac. Megan offers herbal medicine and a variety of treatments including acupuncture of emotional well-being and women’s health and has patients from all over Boulder County from Longmont and Lyons to Broomfield. Megan also specializes in fertility acupuncture, acupuncture for pregnancy and postpartum acupuncture treatments.