Acupuncture for pain relief and management has been used for centuries. Because it treats your body as a whole, acupuncture not only reduces pain immediately but it can help you avoid future pain in the same areas. It’s so effective that conventional medical doctors often suggest acupuncture treatment for pain.
The most popular form of pain relief that Western medicine has to offer is pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you’ve spent a lot of time in pain, you know that these medications have unreliable results. After a while, their effectiveness wears off. The side effects from prescription medications can often be worse than the pain conditions you are dealing with.
Acupuncture for chronic pain is a powerful and natural treatment. The acupuncture needles stimulate points on your body that release endorphins and other natural pain relievers. They also, according to research, increase the electromagnetic signals between the different cells in your body. This can encourage healing and eliminate pain.
Acupuncture for pain relief increases blood circulation to different parts of your body and relaxes your muscles. It also helps promote emotional well-being and can increase the effectiveness of your immune system.
Arthritis is a common form of pain that can be treated with acupuncture. Arthritis can affect many different joints in your body. Depending on where you are experiencing arthritis pain, needles are inserted directly at the site or at other important points along the meridians.
Acupuncture has also been proven effective in treating migraine headaches. You can use acupuncture to relieve pain and even prevent future migraine attacks. By targeting areas that regulate blood flow to your head, your emotional state and hormonal balance, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine may eliminate migraines entirely.
Inner Path Acupuncture in Boulder, Colorado is the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of acupuncturist Megan McCanna, L.Ac. Megan offers herbal medicine and a variety of treatments including acupuncture for pain relief and digestive issues and women’s health and has patients from all over Boulder County from Longmont and Lyons to Broomfield. Megan specializes in fertility acupuncture, acupuncture for pregnancy and postpartum acupuncture treatments.