Acupuncture is one of the primary tools a Chinese medicine practitioner uses to restore balance, alleviate pain and prevent disease. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the abundant and smooth flow of qi in the body is central to overall health. After thousands of years of empirical research, Chinese medicine doctors have mapped out a network of channels or pathways called meridians through which qi flows in the body.
Acupuncture points are distinct sites along these channel pathways where qi can be accessed most readily. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile, and disposable needles into specific locations of the body to elicit a therapeutic response.
Illness or disease can be the result of poor qi circulation, qi flowing in an unhealthy direction, or insufficient qi in a particular area of the body. Acupuncture can disperse qi stagnation, redirect qi movement, or concentrate qi in a specific area in order to restore optimal and sufficient flow throughout the body.
Acupuncture works to facilitate the flow of lymph- and oxygen-rich blood, remove obstructions in the muscles and nerves, trigger hormonal release, and relax the nervous system. Aside from addressing the chief complaint, some of the immediate benefits of an acupuncture treatment include deeper breathing, improved digestion, better sleeping patterns, relaxation, decrease in pain, and a general sense of well-being.
Inner Path Acupuncture in Boulder, Colorado is the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of acupuncturist Megan McCanna, L.Ac. Megan offers herbal medicine and a variety of treatments for pain relief and digestive issues and women’s health and has patients from all over Boulder County from Longmont and Lyons to Broomfield. Megan specializes in fertility acupuncture, acupuncture for pregnancy and postpartum acupuncture treatments.