Is acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine appropriate for my condition?
Because traditional Chinese medicine is a complete medical system in its own right, it can address most health conditions. Megan makes herself available for a complementary phone consultation. Feel free to discuss your health concern and see if acupuncture and Chinese medicine is appropriate for your condition.
What is the difference between acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine?
Although many people make the assumption that acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are one and in the same, acupuncture is simply one of a number of effective tools used by a Chinese medicine practitioner to strengthen and heal the body, mind and spirit.
Does acupuncture hurt?
It is understandable to be apprehensive about the insertion of needles. Acupuncture needles cause minimal to no pain. They are very different than the hypodermic needles used at the doctor’s office to vaccinate or draw blood. Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, sterile and disposable. After insertion, patients often report sensations of tingling, warmth, or heaviness but rarely pain. Many patients report feeling a sense of deep relaxation or increased energy after a treatment. Sometimes the therapeutic changes are not felt until hours or days after a treatment.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe when administered by a qualified and licensed professional. In fact, when practiced correctly, acupuncture is associated with no side-effects nor iatrogenic (doctor-caused) diseases. Thin, sterile needles are used and disposed of after each use so there is minimal to no risk of infection. Considering the millions of people who are treated with acupuncture each year and the large number of acupuncture needles used, very few complications have been reported to the FDA.
What should I expect during my first visit?
The first treatment lasts ninety minutes. The session begins with a discussion of your chief complaint and a comprehensive health history. This is followed by a physical exam consisting of tongue examination, pulse examination, meridian and/or abdominal palpation. After a diagnosis and treatment plan are established, acupuncture and/or medical massage is administered. If necessary, an herbal formula is prescribed.
What is a typical acupuncture treatment like?
After a thorough inquiry into the health concern and a physical examination, the patient rests on a massage table and approximately 1-16 sterile, disposable needles are inserted into different points on the body, depending on the condition. Needles are usually inserted in the extremities of the body as these often have a very strong therapeutic effect. The patient rests with inserted needles for 20-30 minutes in order to allow the treatment to take effect. Certain conditions may call for other Chinese medical techniques such as tuina (Chinese medical massage), moxibustion (heat therapy), cupping and/or guasha (impurity releasing therapies).
What is a normal course of treatment?
The number of treatments varies depending on the severity and duration of the condition as well as the strength and constitution of the patient. In general, acute conditions may take just a few treatments while chronic conditions may take longer to treat. Most patients, however, report feeling changes immediately after one acupuncture treatment. Weekly treatments are advised although some acute cases may require 2-3 treatments a week at the beginning of a course of treatment.
Acupuncture has a cumulative effect. Once symptoms improve and overall harmony and balance are reached, treatments are reduced to once every other week and eventually once a month or less to maintain health and prevent reoccurrence. After the completion of your first visit, the recommended length of treatment will be discussed with you.
Can Chinese medicine be used in conjunction with western medicine?
Absolutely. While Chinese medicine is a comprehensive medical system that can address many health concerns on its own, it can also work synergistically with western medicine and other modalities of healthcare.
Is herbal medicine safe?
Chinese herbal medicine is very safe and virtually free of side-effect when prescribed by a well-trained professional. Western pharmaceutical drugs can be fast-acting but sometimes exact a toll. Pharmaceuticals often have side effects that can throw off the internal balance of the body. Western drugs can cause other health problems like weight gain, temperature fluctuation, mood changes, dry mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, pain, headaches, body twitching, decreased libido, etc. Because Chinese herbal medicine is usually prescribed as a combination of multiple herbs called a ‘formula’, each herb is specifically chosen to bolster each other’s effects or counteract possible side effects.
Formulas can therefore have strong therapeutic effects without disrupting the body’s balance or creating other health problems. Formulas also allow for various symptoms to be treated at once. Specific herbs are often added to the formula to aid in digestion so that the medicine can be assimilated efficiently. In general, traditional Chinese herbs have much lower toxicity than many Western pharmaceutical drugs.
Do you accept insurance?
Inner Path Acupuncture can issue you a bill with appropriate diagnostic coding which can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement. If acupuncture is covered by your plan, we can communicate directly with your insurance company. Please check with your health insurance company for coverage details.